I am a senior principal research scientist and threader of the Computational Sensing team at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL). My research interests are mostly focused on sensing, sampling and signal processing, with particular focus on information acquisition, quantization, and signal
representations. I am also exploring the interaction of this very rich field with machine learning, mechatronics, and controls. My MERL page can be found here.
I started my academic endeavors at MIT in September of ’96 and managed to stay there for 10 years. I received a B.S. in Economics (’00), and a B.S. (’02), an M.Eng. (’02), and an Sc.D. (’06), all in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I completed my masters’ and doctoral research in the exceptional Digital Signal Processing Group, under the supervision of Alan V. Oppenheim and I was a postdoctoral associate in the DSP Group until August 2006.
In September 2006 I joined the DSP group in the ECE Department at Rice University as a postdoctoral associate under the supervision of Rich Baraniuk, until December 2008. My interaction with this unforgettable group introduced me to the world of compressive sensing. Since then I maintain my ties to Rice University as visiting scholar in the ECE department.
In my academic life I was fortunate to work with great people at great places. This gave me the opportunity to explore a variety of projects outside my current field of interest and broaden my horizons. During my master I was a member of the BioMEMS lab, in the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, working on DNA sequencing and the basecalling of electrophoresis signals. Furthermore, my position at MERL is a return for me, since I have also been an intern here, working with Paris Smaragdis on multichannel signal processing and the analysis of microphone array data.
Before coming to the US I grew up in Athens, Greece, where I was also born. I owe the foundations of my academic development to my high school, Athens College, from which I graduated in June ’96.